Join PGP Data Science Deadline: August 2023

Massive Machine Learning – Dr Paul Pallath, Chief Data Scientist & Senior Director with the Advanced Analytics Organisation at SAP.

Watch Dr Paul Pallath, Chief Data Scientist, SAP on  Massive Machine Learning. Whether businesses want to use data to make the world a better place, to understand the wishes of customers before they are expressed, to be more proactive than reactive in decision making based on predictive technologies, or something else, there are several challenges that we must all face. 

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How to Plan and Run Machine Learning Experiments Systematically – Machine Learning Mastery

Machine learning experiments can take a long time. Hours, days, and even weeks in some cases. This gives you a lot of time to think and plan for additional experiments to perform. In addition, the average applied machine learning project may require tens to hundreds of discrete experiments in order to find a data preparation …

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nice read

Data Science

Big Data Analytics in Gaming

 The gaming industry has evolved from board games and low-key video games to extensive multi-player games with excellent visual graphics and million user interactions. There is a revolution happening in the game industry. The sheer size of the global game industry is astounding. The gaming industry stands proudly over the US$100 Billion mark this year […]