Join PGP Data Science Deadline: August 2023

Massive Machine Learning – Dr Paul Pallath, Chief Data Scientist & Senior Director with the Advanced Analytics Organisation at SAP.

Watch Dr Paul Pallath, Chief Data Scientist, SAP on  Massive Machine Learning. Whether businesses want to use data to make the world a better place, to understand the wishes of customers before they are expressed, to be more proactive than reactive in decision making based on predictive technologies, or something else, there are several challenges that we must all face. 

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Data Science Congress

Visualizing data for Insights

In the recent few years, rapid advancements in BIG data technologies have been associated with complementary advancements in data visualization techniques. Several eminent speakers at the recent data science congress summit 2017 in Mumbai, India, spoke about the power of data visualizations and their applications in the field of data science. Dr. Soudip Roy Chowdhury, […]

Data Science

“Understanding the growing importance and meaning of data science”

“Data is the new oil” — anonymous Data is everywhere around us – More than 200 million users on twitter, share content, videos and photos every day (Social Media Data). 500 Million smartphones are used for making calls, texts messaging every second (Smartphone User Data, Calls Data and Message Text Data). 10 thousand airplanes are always off […]

Data Science

Python for Data Science

In today’s world, we are surrounded by data. Thousands of terra bytes of data get added to this every day. Some of the sources could be like a Government Aadhaar scheme which attempts to capture, along with other details “biometric” data of the citizens. Or could be that available on-line in the “net”. Internet sources […]