What is Big Data? Big Data originally emerged as a term to describe large datasets that could not be captured, stored, managed nor analysed using traditional databases. However, the definition has broadened significantly over the years. Big Data now not only refers to the data itself, but also the set of technologies that perform all […]
Join PGP Data Science Deadline: August 2023
How Netflix Uses Analytics To Select Movies, Create Content, and Make Multimillion Dollar Decisions
In 2006 Netflix announced the Netflix Prize, a competition for creating an algorithm that would “substantially improve the accuracy of predictions about how much someone is going to enjoy a movie based on their movie preferences.” There was a winner, which improved the algorithm by 10%. However, Netflix never did implement the algorithm, saying: “We evaluated […]
When the data is structured in the form of databases, it is easy for anyone to analyze and predict the results. The going gets tough when we try to analyze the text data and we have to do it as one cannot read all the text in the whole world. Almost all the business domains […]
Use Cases of Big Data
Introduction The term Data Science or its many variants – such as Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, all used interchangeably – are much used (and abused) buzz-words that are used to analyze, explain and predict a whole range of events and happening. It would appear there is almost no human […]
Blog by Neeraj Kumar Executive batch
All retailer with active big data efforts are analyzing transactions (100 percent) and two out of three use log data (67 percent). This is machine-generated data produced to record the details of every operational transaction and automated function performed within the retailers’ business or information systems – data that has outgrown the ability to […]
Use Cases of Big Data in Retail
What is Big Data? Big Data is a term that is becoming increasingly common within information technology, yet few people understand it well enough to describe it succinctly. Big Data is a new approach to data processing that has two primary components, How data is stored, and How data is analyzed The Primary Components of Big […]
How Big Data is being used in Banking Sector
The banking industry has evolved by leaps and bounds over the past decade, when it comes to operations and service delivery. Surprisingly though, most banks have failed to utilize the information within their own databases. However, that’s all about to change as the banking sector gears up to process immense volumes of data created and […]
The Potential of Big Data – The Farming Story
What exactly is Big Data? Data sets so voluminous and complex that traditional data-processing application software are inadequate to deal with them. ”From the dawn of civilization until 2003, humankind generated five exabytes of data. Now we produce five exabytes every two days…and the pace is accelerating.” – Eric Schmidt Lately, the term “big data” […]
Behaviour Analytics
Purpose The purpose of this article is not to be technical or explain with utmost precision. It is for those who are fascinated by Data Science and need to understand concepts as a layman. Hence, I have spoken about Big Data & Behavioural Analytics in a way I would explain a friend who is not […]
Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
A lot of people know about AI, ML and DL but few know about the fine differences between them. One reason for this is that sometimes these terms are used interchangeably. So what exactly is the difference between them? Let us explore: AI research is defined as the study of “intelligent agents” : any device […]