Nvidia is the world’s smartest company in 2017. That’s according to the recently published MIT Technology Review’s annual listing of the 50 smartest companies, which surveys both small and large companies based on their ability to innovate and execute.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.forbes.com
This article describes the growing relevance of Machine Learning used in various kinds of analytics along with an overview of Deep Learning. It provides an end-to-end process for using Machine Learning and Deep Learning and the options for getting started on IBM® Power Systems™.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.ibm.com
good read
TensorFlow is Google’s open source framework for machine learning. Rainforest Connection is using this framework to protect the rainforests, such as the Amazon. The method is ingenious and representative of a utilitarian society that we should all be lurching towards.
It’s pretty much impossible to expect investments in human guards across the entirety of the Amazon rainforest. So what’s the next best thing? The people living in the rainforest themselves. Collaborating with local tribes in the Amazon, such as the Tembé tribe from central Amazon, Rainforest Connection has come up with a solution that combines the best of the old world with the new.
Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.tapscape.com