Data Science

Join PGP Data Science Deadline: August 2023

How Machine Learning Can Help Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities

People are undoubtedly your company’s most valuable asset. But if you ask cybersecurity experts if they share that sentiment, most would tell you that people are your biggest liability.

Historically, no matter how much money an organization spends on cybersecurity, there is typically one problem technology can’t solve: humans being human.  Gartnerexpects worldwide spending on information security to reach $86.4 billion in 2017, growing to $93 billion in 2018, all in an effort to improve overall security and education programs to prevent humans from undermining the best-laid security plans. But it’s still not enough: human error continues to reign as a top threat.

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10 Tips for Building Effective Machine Learning Models – insideBIGDATA

In this contributed article, Wayne Thompson, Chief Data Scientist at SAS, provides 10 tips for organizations who want to use machine learning more effectively. Machine learning continues to gain headway, with more organizations and industries adopting the technology to do things like optimize operations, improve inventory forecasting and anticipate customer demand.

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