This article describes the growing relevance of Machine Learning used in various kinds of analytics along with an overview of Deep Learning. It provides an end-to-end process for using Machine Learning and Deep Learning and the options for getting started on IBM® Power Systems™.
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We all love to share GIFs — and there are plenty of ways to do that, through online portals or keyboards — but often times because there is so much..
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BENGALURU, September 6, 2017 /PR Newswire India/ — IBM Recognizes Aegis School of Data Science for Building Skills in Analytics & Data Science.
Aegis was recognized for ‘Building Capabilities in the areas of Analytics & Data Science for the students and working professionals using IBM Software’ by Yeo Hwee Lee, Director, Software Services, Software Group Asia Pacific and Paramantapa Dasgupta, Career Education for IBM India & South Asia.
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