Join PGP Data Science Deadline: August 2023


Use Cases of Big Data

Introduction The term Data Science or its many variants – such as Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, all used interchangeably – are much used (and abused) buzz-words that are used to analyze, explain and predict a whole range of events and happening. It would appear there is almost no human […]


Blog by Neeraj Kumar Executive batch

All retailer with active big data efforts are analyzing transactions (100 percent) and two out of three use log data (67 percent).   This is machine-generated data produced to record the details of every operational transaction and automated function performed within the retailers’ business or information systems – data that has outgrown the ability to […]


Use Cases of Big Data in Retail

What is Big Data? Big Data is a term that is becoming increasingly common within information technology, yet few people understand it well enough to describe it succinctly. Big Data is a new approach to data processing that has two primary components, How data is stored, and How data is analyzed The Primary Components of Big […]


The Potential of Big Data – The Farming Story

What exactly is Big Data? Data sets so voluminous and complex that traditional data-processing application software are inadequate to deal with them. ”From the dawn of civilization until 2003, humankind generated five exabytes of data. Now we produce five exabytes every two days…and the pace is accelerating.” – Eric Schmidt Lately, the term “big data” […]


Behaviour Analytics

Purpose The purpose of this article is not to be technical or explain with utmost precision. It is for those who are fascinated by Data Science and need to understand concepts as a layman. Hence, I have spoken about Big Data & Behavioural Analytics in a way I would explain a friend who is not […]


How Big Data boosts RegTech

1)   Banking: Regulatory Technology Basel III: BASEL III norms are likely to be implemented in India from year 2019. This opens up a new paradigm in the field of machine learning and AI in terms of automating core tasks of not only assimilating transactions’ data in real time but also providing insights into data for […]


The Perfect Match

Using technology for making decisions in the stock market is not something which is new.  From the time of bucket shops to today’s highly complex trading platforms, people have tried taking advantage of the technology available to get ahead in the game. Let it be reading the screen at the floor of the exchange or […]