Srikanth Velamakanni speaking on how to start a venture in analytics, Big Data, Data Science and Current trends in Data Science. Srikanth’s passion fo
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Srikanth Velamakanni speaking on how to start a venture in analytics, Big Data, Data Science and Current trends in Data Science. Srikanth’s passion fo
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Watch Dr Paul Pallath, Chief Data Scientist, SAP on Massive Machine Learning. Whether businesses want to use data to make the world a better place, to understand the wishes of customers before they are expressed, to be more proactive than reactive in decision making based on predictive technologies, or something else, there are several challenges that we must all face.
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This article describes the growing relevance of Machine Learning used in various kinds of analytics along with an overview of Deep Learning. It provides an end-to-end process for using Machine Learning and Deep Learning and the options for getting started on IBM® Power Systems™.
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good read
Dr Usama Fayyad delivered the keynote address at the Aegis Data Science Congress 2017 held in Mumbai from 5 to 8 June. DSC an initiative of Aegis School o
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must watch
Machine learning experiments can take a long time. Hours, days, and even weeks in some cases. This gives you a lot of time to think and plan for additional experiments to perform. In addition, the average applied machine learning project may require tens to hundreds of discrete experiments in order to find a data preparation …
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nice read
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are going to disrupt most professions. Here we take a look at the impact of machine learning on accounting and explore how parts of the profession will be threatened while others will be enhanced.
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The open source GPU-accelerated library supports TypeScript and JavaScript, allowing you to train neural networks or run pre-trained models
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Nice article